Alternative Pocket

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1, Women are 171% more likely than men to suffer minor injuries and 47% more likely to suffer serious injuries in a car accident. 171% more likely to suffer minor injuries, 47% more likely to suffer serious injuries and 17% more likely to die. Because cars are designed to fit men, crash test dummies have been based on men for decades, and even when female dummies have been used in recent years, physiological differences such as muscle mass distribution and bone density in women have not been taken into account; the same drugs may be far less effective in women than in men.

2, A significant number of drug trials do not include women in their studies. 90% of pharmacology papers only describe studies in male animals, and the male body is used to represent all of humanity.

3, From public transport to government decision-making, from the workplace to hospital surgery, the world ignores or threatens women in every gaze, in every bus ride, in every toilet, in every ordinary working day, in every hidden corner of your life and mine.


Pockets have not always been in the exact form we now associate them with. Specifically, women’s pockets were not always attached as they were actually a separate piece that could be worn with different outfits interchangeably.
“The day to day dilemma facing women on all corners of the globe begs an answer to the centuries old question: Why are women’s pockets so small?”

"全球各地的妇女每天都面临着困境,这就要求我们回答这个几百年前的问题: 为什么妇女的口袋这么小?

“Women do 75% of the unpaid care work and contribute US$10 trillion to global GDP each year, yet they get less rest.
They get even less rest, are not paid and lack social support.

Women's toilets often have long queues, while men's toilets are largely unobstructed. Because of their different physiology, women need 2.3 times more time to go to the toilet than men. 2.3 times longer than men because of women's physiology, while male and female toilets are generally designed to be the same size and men's toilets can accommodate more people because they have urinals.”
“妇女承担了 75% 的无酬照护工作,每年为全球 GDP 贡献 10 万亿美元,但她们得到的休息却更少。

女厕所经常排长队,而男厕所却基本畅通无阻。由于生理结构不同,女性上厕所所需的时间是男性的 2.3 倍。由于女性的生理特点,女性上厕所需要的时间是男性的 2.3 倍,而男女厕所的设计一般大小相同,男性厕所因为有小便池,可以容纳更多的人。”

It’s an age-old struggle. You find the ideal pair of jeans, trousers, dress or jacket. It’s the perfect cut, the colour is dreamy and your face brightens up as you notice the detail of all details: it has pockets! Not only that, but the pockets seem to be ginormous, like you’ll actually be able to fit more than just your pinkie finger inside.

But this sensation of elation doesn’t last. You get closer, you inspect the garment in detail and voilà, the pockets are fake. They’re just part of the design, a small detail for aesthetic beauty but zero practical use. You curse the world for the minute quantity of women’s clothes that have fully-functioning, normal sized pockets. And from this disappointment comes the question, why is it that women’s clothing almost never has practical pockets?

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