︎︎︎ Branding / Visual Identity / Web Design
Images 001-010

1 一个完整的branding设计,分为logo设计,字体设计,海报设计以及网页设计和最后的衍生品设计。形成一个完整的疗愈机构branding设计。

2 虽然伤口已经愈合成为伤疤,但是并没有心理上真正的恢复。这个疗愈机构主要关注受到伤害的人心理上的问题。我希望能通过心灵上的治愈来接受自己的伤疤接受不完美的自己,接受曾经的经历。这样我们才能学会成长拥抱新生活。

3 因为自己身上有伤疤的经历,让我开始思考会不会疤痕比人们想象中的还要影响我们。有伤疤的人会不会被伤疤影响而不能好好地生活,并且因为自卑反而会伤害到身边最亲近的人。然后,我开始幻想如果有一个疗愈机构,可以让有伤疤的人敞开心去接受自己的伤疤,走出伤害,不再自卑去好好的生活。所以我想要做一个有关于伤疤的项目去提醒人们要好好生活,不要自卑。


1. Physical Impact:
  • Pain and Discomfort: Scars may cause ongoing physical discomfort, including itching, pain, or sensitivity.
  • Limited Mobility: Depending on the location and size of the scar, it can restrict joint movement or affect physical abilities.
  • 疼痛和不适: 疤痕可能导致持续的身体不适,包括瘙痒、疼痛或敏感。
    行动不便: 根据疤痕的位置和大小,它可能会限制关节活动或影响身体机能。

2. Emotional and Psychological Impact:
  • Self-Esteem: Scars can affect self-esteem and body image, potentially leading to self-consciousness or even body dysmorphic disorder.
  • Psychological Distress: Some individuals may experience emotional distress, especially if the scar reminds them of a traumatic event.
  • 自尊: 疤痕会影响自尊和身体形象,可能导致自我意识丧失,甚至身体畸形障碍。
    心理压力: 有些人可能会经历情绪困扰,尤其是当疤痕让他们想起创伤事件时。

3. Social Impact:
  • Stigma and Discrimination: People with visible scars may encounter social stigma or discrimination, which can affect relationships and opportunities.
  • Social Isolation: Scars can lead to withdrawal from social activities due to fear of judgment or negative reactions.
  • 耻辱感和歧视: 有明显疤痕的人可能会遭遇社会羞辱或歧视,这可能会影响人际关系和机会。
    社会隔离: 疤痕可能会导致患者因害怕他人的评价或负面反应而退出社交活动。

4. Mental Health:
  • Anxiety and Depression: The emotional toll of scars can contribute to anxiety and depression, particularly if the individual perceives the scar negatively.
  • 焦虑和抑郁: 疤痕造成的情感伤害可能会导致焦虑和抑郁,尤其是当患者对疤痕有负面看法时。

5. Body Functionality:
  • Functional Impairment: Depending on the location, scars can affect the normal functioning of body parts, such as joints or muscles.
  • Sensory Changes: Scars may alter sensations, like touch or temperature perception, in the affected area.
  • 功能障碍: 根据部位的不同,疤痕可能会影响关节或肌肉等身体部位的正常功能。
    感觉改变: 疤痕可能会改变患处的感觉,如触觉或温度感知。

6. Cultural and Societal Perspective:
  • Cultural Beliefs: Cultural attitudes towards scars can vary, with some cultures valuing them as symbols of strength while others may view them negatively.
  • Media and Beauty Standards: Media portrayal and beauty standards can influence how people perceive their scars and may contribute to feelings of inadequacy.
  • 文化观念: 文化对疤痕的态度可能各不相同,有些文化重视疤痕,将其视为力量的象征,而有些文化则可能对疤痕持负面看法。
    媒体和美容标准: 媒体的描述和美容标准会影响人们如何看待自己的疤痕,并可能导致人们产生不满足感。

Visual sample of scars on hands


By designing different images, I presented an effective design method. This design method consists of images, orange blocks and English logos, which is to improve the polygon and recognizability of the brand through the combination of different images and texts, so as to help future brand direction research.




Digital Poster for Blemisherapy, Digital Works / each, Size Variable / each, 2020

5 posters I designed for different activities of burn scar medical institutions. 

Including photography exhibitions, workshop, lectures, talk and accessories exhibitions.