
-Social Media’ Black BOX
︎︎︎Book Design, Archive Design, Animation

Visual Experiment—-001-8 我从社交媒体平台上挑选了 9 张相同主题、相同姿势的同质化照片。这些照片经过裁剪和重新组合,形成了一张新的主题图片。之后,我使用 Photoshop 对图片进行了修饰。灵感来自希托-施泰尔(Hito Steyerl)的《In defense of poor image》一文中的第一段话:"The poor image tends towards abstraction: it is a visual idea in its very becoming."。

Motion Graphic-E 1-4

Visual-E 02
灵感来自安迪-沃霍尔的罐头作品系列和Jenny Holzer的《BLUE PURPLE TILT》。
我试着将 "同质化 "一词排成 15 行,每行改动一个字母。但从远处看,似乎还是完全相同的 15 行单词。


1 How to castrate the process of learning, copying, pasting and performing by users on social media in the information age and guide them away from this behavior.

Key Words:

  • social media
  • copy
  • paste
  • deprivation
  • big data
  • behavior
  • content
  • homogenisation
  • Social identity theory

Research Question:

1 Discover why social media allows users to learn, copy, paste and perform?

2 How does this process provide appeal in a contemporary sense?

3 How to castrate the process of learning, copying, pasting and performing by users on social media in the information age and guide them away from this behavior.

Field of Study / Context:

  • Homogenisation
  • Big Data
  • Algorithmic Personalisation
  • Data Collection
  • Personalised Recommendations
  • Data Generation
  • User Behaviour and Social Validation
  • Theory of Social Identity


1 Primary Research 
Begin by researching and learning about the specific context in which homogenisation is occurring. Investigate the factors driving homogenisation.

2 Secondary Research 
Browsing and reading relevant literature, online research. 

3 Visual Experiments
Use visual aids such as maps, graphs, and diagrams to visually represent patterns and changes associated with homogenisation.

Aims & Objectives: 

1. 调查社交媒体平台如何产生同质化现象

2. 调查导致社交媒体用户同质化的行为和心理因素

3. 使用可视化等视觉方法收集和记录有关同质化的数据

4. 尝试实现跨学科,从新的角度理解同质化问题

5. 从不同角度强调同质化的后果,引导用户远离同质化行为


  • 通过这一设计,我尝试以设计展览的形式,潜移默化地让社交媒体用户远离复制、粘贴和表演的行为。

  • 希望通过对这一研究问题的深入探讨,能从反讽的角度对社交媒体的同质化进行批判。

  • 同时教育用户可以摆脱这种行为。

“互联网内容同质化 "是指在不同网站、平台或数字媒体上使在线内容更加统一或标准化的过程。它包括减少内容呈现、风格或格式的多样性或差异,促进更加一致的用户体验 。”


Discover Stage

The homogenization of Internet content can be observed in several aspects:

Design and Layout: Many websites and platforms adopt similar design patterns, templates, or user interface elements to provide a familiar and predictable browsing experience. This can lead to a sense of uniformity in terms of visual aesthetics, navigation, and overall website structure.

Content Structure: Content organization and structure can become standardized, particularly for specific types of web pages. For example, blog posts often follow a similar format with headings, paragraphs, and multimedia elements, while e-commerce websites tend to have consistent product descriptions, reviews, and pricing information.

Content Types: Certain content types, such as listicles, how-to articles, or video tutorials, have become prevalent across the Internet. They often follow a similar structure and formula, leading to a sense of familiarity and predictability in the way information is presented.

Social Media and Influencer Culture: Social media platforms have given rise to trends, challenges, or viral content that tend to be replicated or imitated by users, creating a sense of content homogeneity within specific communities or platforms. Influencers and content creators may also adopt similar content styles, themes, or presentation formats to appeal to their target audiences.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The pursuit of higher search engine rankings has led to the optimization of web content according to specific guidelines and algorithms. This can result in similarities in keyword usage, meta tags, or content structure to improve search visibility, potentially leading to a certain level of content homogeneity.

It is important to note that while the homogenization of Internet content may enhance usability and familiarity for users, it can also lead to challenges such as limited diversity, echo chambers, or the replication of misinformation. Balancing uniformity and diversity is a continuous consideration in the evolving landscape of online content.


Text Experiment 1



后来,在我继续进行二次研究时,我发现了一种有趣的理论方法,控制论(作者诺伯特-维纳,1948 年。控制论是一门涉及循环因果过程的广泛学科。维纳将控制论定义为 "关于动物和机器的控制与通信的科学")中的理论。黑箱方法是控制论中的一种理论方法,研究复杂系统中的信息处理和决策过程。虽然社交媒体同质化现象可能不是典型的控制系统,但我们可以尝试用黑箱方法来解释社交媒体同质化的某些方面。


Infinite Foldable Book
版本 1

Infinite Foldable Book

Infinite Foldable Book


在设计过程中,导师Cathy 向我提出了一个问题,她问我为什么你的主题是关于数字的项目,而你却选择用实物来展示你的想法。基于这一点,我认为有必要尝试数字化。因为有了比较,才能产生更合适的结果。这就是为什么我开始制作关于折叠书的视频,并学习了相关知识。我以魔方为灵感,创作了方块翻转书的动画。


Discover Stage

- Social Factors:

  1. Social Norms: Examine the role of social norms and group conformity. Are users conforming to a group's expectations to fit in and gain acceptance? Analyze how users' behaviors and content align with the dominant narrative within their social circles.

  2. Group Dynamics:Investigate how users' interactions with others influence their content creation. Are users responding to group pressures, peer influence, or social rewards? Analyze how group dynamics foster the generation of homogeneous content.

  3. Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles: Explore the phenomenon of echo chambers, where users are exposed only to content that reinforces their existing beliefs. Analyze whether users' interactions are contributing to the reinforcement of homogeneous viewpoints due to limited exposure to diverse perspectives.
-Psychological Factors:

  • Motivations and Goals: Explore why users are inclined to create and share homogeneous content. Are they seeking validation, social recognition, or a sense of belonging? Are there psychological needs being fulfilled by conforming to a certain narrative or content theme?

  • Identity and Self-Expression: Investigate how the content users create aligns with their self-identity. Does the homogeneous content reflect aspects of their personality, values, or beliefs? Analyze whether users are using this content to project a specific image or persona.

  • Cognitive Biases: Consider cognitive biases that might be at play, such as confirmation bias (preferring information that confirms existing beliefs) or social validation (being influenced by the actions of others). These biases can lead users to create and engage with homogeneous content.

Motivations and Goals

1. Validation and Affirmation: Posting homogeneous content can provide users with a sense of validation. When others engage with their content by liking, sharing, or commenting, it affirms their beliefs or viewpoints, making them feel understood and supported.

2. Social Recognition: Homogeneous content may garner attention and recognition within specific social circles. Users might seek recognition from like-minded individuals who share similar beliefs, leading to a sense of importance and visibility.

3. Affiliation and Belonging: Posting content that aligns with the dominant narrative in a social group can enhance users' feelings of belonging. It reinforces the sense that they are part of a community that shares common values and goals.

4. Social Influence: Users might be influenced by prominent figures, influencers, or peers who consistently share homogeneous content. They might feel compelled to align their own content with these influencers or peers to gain approval or fit in.

5. Confirmation Bias: Users may experience confirmation bias, seeking out and sharing content that confirms their existing beliefs and opinions. Homogeneous content resonates with their pre-existing worldview, providing a sense of reassurance.

6. Fear of Isolation: Users might fear being isolated or excluded from their social networks if they don't conform to the prevailing viewpoints. Sharing homogeneous content can be a way to avoid conflict or being labeled as an outsider.

7. Emotional Gratification: Homogeneous content often taps into emotional triggers, either positive or negative. Users may share content that elicits strong emotions such as empathy, outrage, or humor, resulting in emotional gratification and social bonding.

8. Identity Expression: Homogeneous content can serve as a means of self-expression and identity reinforcement. Sharing content that aligns with one's identity helps users communicate who they are and what they stand for.

9. Ease of Engagement: It's easier to engage with content that aligns with one's existing beliefs or interests. Homogeneous content requires less mental effort to understand and relate to, encouraging users to interact and share.

在调查心理和社会因素时,我发现了一个有趣的理论。是 Henri Tajfel 于 1979 年提出的社会认同理论。

社会认同理论(Social Identity Theory)是一种心理学理论,它解释了个人如何根据其社会群体成员身份发展自我意识和形成身份认同。该理论由社会心理学家亨利-塔杰菲尔(Henri Tajfel)和约翰-特纳(John Turner)于 20 世纪 70 年代提出。该理论认为,人们通过认同特定社会群体并将自己归类为其中一员,从而努力实现并维持积极的社会认同。


1. 社会分类: 个人根据种族、民族、国籍、性别、职业或兴趣等共同特征,将自己和他人归入社会群体。这种分类有助于确定一个人的自我意识,并为社会比较奠定基础。

2. 社会认同: 个人的自我概念和自尊很大一部分来自于他们所属的群体。他们的社会认同是其自我概念的一部分,这部分来自于他们的群体成员身份以及这些成员身份所附带的情感意义。

3. 群体内偏爱和群体外偏见:社会认同理论认为,个人倾向于偏爱群体内成员(他们所属的群体)并对其表现出积极的态度,而对群体外成员(他们不属于的群体)则可能表现出偏见或消极的态度。

4. 社会比较: 人们进行社会比较是为了建立和维持积极的社会认同。他们将本群体与外群体进行有利的比较,通过积极区分本群体与其他群体来提高自己的自尊,并维持积极的社会认同。

5. 群体间行为: 社会认同理论还涉及群体间行为,包括群体间冲突、合作和歧视。它解释了个人的社会认同如何影响他们对其他群体的态度和行为,从而塑造群体间关系。


Social norms and imitation: photo poses and actions popular on social media often become a social norm. By imitating these poses and actions, people hope to gain recognition and approval on social media. This mimicry behaviour is in pursuit of social approval and conformity to social expectations.

“Social identity theory is an interactionist social psychological theory of the role of self-conception and associated cognitive processes and social beliefs in group processes and intergroup relations. Originally introduced in the 1970s primarily as an account of intergroup relations, it was significantly developed at the start of the 1980s as a general account of group processes and the nature of the social group. Since then, social identity theory has been significantly extended through a range of sub-theories that focus on social influence and group norms, leadership within and between groups, self-enhancement and uncertainty reduction motivations, deindividuation and collective behavior, social mobilization and protest, and marginalization and deviance within groups. The theory has also been applied and developed to explain organizational phenomena and the dynamics of language and speech style as identity symbols.”

From Hogg, M.A. (2016). Social Identity Theory. In: McKeown, S (eds) Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory.


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