In Defense  of Poor Image

︎︎︎Video, Animation Design, Poster Design

Video Outcome

Video Experiment—001

Video Experiment—002

Video Experiment—003

Video Experiment—003

Video Experiment—004

Video Experiment—005



Castrate the function of the image as a picture, so that the image does not function as a picture in its own right.

Lose the function of the image:


1. What is the function of the image?

2. How to castrate a image?

3. What is the affordance of the image?

4. What is the qualities of the image?


“The poor image is no longer about the real thing—the originary original. Instead, it is about its own real conditions of existence: about swarm circulation, digital dispersion, fractured and flexible temporalities. It is about defiance and appropriation just as it is about conformism and exploitation.”

“The poor image tends towards abstraction: it is a visual idea in its very becoming.”

“Focus is used as an identifier of class position and being out of focus leads to lowered value in terms of an image. This is very well illustrated by the example of Allen Woody’s movies, where the main character is out of focus was not a mistake but achieved on purpose. And this lack of definition turned out to become a material problem for the artist as he couldn’t get work post this.”

What does this mean for anybody, though? The Internet is a cool place where lots of people can share nuanced ideas about art and visual media. Glitch art and other low resolution aesthetics, like the low-fi look in the 90’s or cyberpunk before that, are all very popular aesthetics in art and is also beginning to percolate through pop culture.

Based on that, does the ugliness is aesthetic?
What is castration?
How to castrate the image?
Does the image will lose its founction after castrated?

The relationship between aesthetics and ugliness is mapped and interpreted through video. It is divided into different, but interconnected, elements. It consists of a number of 'castrated' images and texts as well as original images and texts. It is discussed whether in the context of author Hito Steyerl's articlethe generation of low- pixel images is an emasculation of them at the level of the image class? At the same time the three posters experiment with a new ugliness, breaking the rules of design and form. A New Uglinessology approach to the idea that beauty is ugly and ugliness is beautiful.

通过视频来映射和解读美与丑之间的关系。它分成了不同的内容,但相互关联。它由一些“阉割”过的图像和文本以及原始图像和文本组成。讨论了在作者Hito Steyerl的文章背景下,是否对于低像素的图像生成就是在对其阉割在图像阶级层面来说?同时三张海报尝试了新丑陋学,打破原有的设计规则和形式。以新丑陋学(New Uglinessology)的方式来探讨美就是丑,丑就是美的观点。

Poster Design

Poster Display 





Image Experiments