“Woman, Girl, Other”

︎︎︎Book Cover Design / Penguin Cover Design

Images 01-05



1 I was inspired by the portrayal and experiences of the different black female characters in the books and decided to present the books from an observer's perspective to evoke curiosity and the quest for female beauty.
I chose to use cultural totems from different regions and black and white portraits of black women as the main elements of the cover, representing the 12 black women from different regions in the story.

2 I decided to use the Didot font with serifs to make the title more readable and recognisable. These serifs help the letters to be more clearly distinguishable to the reader. Serif fonts are also commonly associated with traditional typography and book layout. It conveys a sense of class and formality, so I used Didot's typeface as the cover font.

I was first inspired by the chessboard, believing that each female character was a piece on her own board and wanted to be able to play by herself. This then extended from the chessboard grid to the current 5x6 grid distribution. The portrait of the black woman on the cover is cut and divided into twelve, with each section of the grid representing one of the female characters in the story.

3 The style of the design focuses on the diverse beauty of women as well as the cultural iconography of the different regions of black women to convey the story of black women.

My design aims to appeal to female readers of all ages, those who are trying to understand the stories of black women.

4 I communicated with my peers and instructors, and with a few suggestions from my instructors, I continued to refine the design to make sure it was in the spirit of the book.

Practical Project




我选择了带有衬线的 Didot 字体,使标题具有更好的可读性以及识别性。这些衬线可以帮助字母更清晰的被读者区分。同时衬线字体通常与传统印刷和书籍排版相关联。传递出一种经典和正式的感觉,所以我使用Didot的字体作为封面字体。







Some inspirational sketches about the cover.

Secondary experiments based on the results of the research.

The final seven versions of the design were drafted.
Based on my instructor's comments and my peers' feedback, I ultimately chose one of them as the outcome design.