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Research Processes:002-009

Secondary Research:010, 011


1 This element of module PM7000 is a 'Capstone' final major project, which re presents an extended self-directed response to a theme or topic which you identify as interesting to yourself as a creative pra ctitioner. This capstone project is the ultimate expression of your personal position and endeavour within the GDCP. It gives s you the opportunity to synthesise your previous learning and experience into a defining major personal project.

2 This is the most substantial project of the course. It forms a bridge between the projects completed thus far and future subject- specific Masters study. You should therefore think carefully about topic, app roach and outcome - all of which should make a declaration of your ambitions for further study at Masters level, and your sub bsequent professional ambitions as a creative practitioner.

Capstone Project


The social phenomenon of "Chinese involution" refers to a situation in Chinese society where increasing efforts or inputs in various aspects of life, such as work, education, or competition, do not necessarily lead to proportional gains or improvements in well-being.

  • Hyper-Competition: Chinese involution often arises due to intense competition in various domains. Individuals and groups feel compelled to work harder and longer hours to stay competitive, but this doesn't necessarily result in significantly better outcomes.
    过度竞争: 中国式内卷化的产生往往是由于各个领域的激烈竞争。为了保持竞争力,个人和团体不得不付出更多的努力和更长的工作时间,但这并不一定会带来明显更好的结果。

  • Diminishing Returns: The term "involution" suggests a cycle of diminishing returns, where the more effort people put into something, the less additional benefit they receive. This can lead to a sense of frustration and burnout.
    收益递减: 内卷化 "一词意味着回报递减的循环,即人们在某件事情上付出的努力越多,获得的额外收益就越少。这会导致挫败感和倦怠感。

  • Pressure and Stress: The competitive nature of Chinese society, driven by factors like the gaokao (college entrance exam) or job market, can create immense pressure and stress on individuals, particularly young people. They may face high expectations from their families and society to succeed.
    压力和紧张: 在高考或就业市场等因素的驱动下,中国社会的竞争性质会给个人,尤其是年轻人带来巨大的压力和紧张感。他们可能面临来自家庭和社会对成功的高期望。

  • Education and Work: In education and the workplace, Chinese involution often manifests as a focus on memorization, rote learning, and long working hours, which can lead to a lack of creativity and innovation.

  • Societal Impact: Chinese involution can have broader societal implications, including mental health issues, a reduced quality of life, and a potential drain on creativity and entrepreneurship if people are stuck in repetitive and unproductive cycles.                         社会影响: 中国式内卷化可能会产生更广泛的社会影响,包括心理健康问题、生活质量下降,以及如果人们陷入重复性和非生产性的循环中,可能会消耗创造力和创业精神。

In summary, Chinese involution is a complex social phenomenon characterized by over-competition, diminishing returns on efforts, and significant pressure in various aspects of life. It reflects the challenges faced by individuals and society in balancing achievement and well-being in a highly competitive environment.



  • 尝试通过身体动作和行为作为内卷主题项目表达的核心。

  • 通过瞬间性和一次性的行为表演来体验内卷带给人的窒息和束缚感。

  • 通过尝试新的创作方法和概念。这种实验性可以表现在表演的形式、结构、技术或主题上。

  • 通过自身的身体表达让观众目睹身体动作、身体姿态等元素,这些元素与项目的实验性创作形成共生的关系。



Text Animations 

AR Experiment 

Collage Experiment

Poster Design
